Simple Risk Assessment And Control (SiRAC)
ATTENTION: : This assessment and control system is still in the process of discussion; therefore all information contained here is subject to change from time to time.
What is SiRAC?
- It stands for Simple Risk Assessment and Control.
- A system to carry out a simple assessment based on a process of grouping workplace risks into control bands based on combination of hazard and exposure information.
- Emphasis is on risk control
- Based on UK’s COSHH Essentials
May be conducted if all chemicals hazardous to health used in a particular work unit meet these criteria:
- Chemicals listed in chemical register; and
- Any chemicals not classified as carcinogenicity category 1; mutagenicity category 1 or 2; or respiratory sensitization category 1.
Does not apply to the following types of chemicals:-
- classified as CATEGORY 1 Carcinogenicity, Mutagenicity or Respiratory Sensitization;
- process generated dusts and fumes
- organic dust
- gases
Who Can Conduct?
A person should have knowledge on :
- how to interpret Safety Data Sheets (SDS);
- work processes and tasks;
- basic principle of Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC); and
- basic requirement of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA), USECHH and relevant guidelines.
- Risk Equation:
- Risk = Hazard X Exposure - Hazard is described in terms of hazard groupings (hazard statement/code)
- Exposure is represented by these parameters:
- Scale of use
Ability to become airborne
Frequency & duration of exposure