Caught between cantilever bridge and door of steriliser
Title : Caught between cantilever bridge and door of steriliser
Location : Factory, Johor
Date : 15 Mar 2007
Summary of Accident:
A general worker of a factory was killed after he was caught between the cantilever bridge and the door of a steriliser. During the incident, the victim, together with two of his colleagues, was cleaning the door of the steriliser. The door could not be closed, so the victim and his colleagues decided to close and lock it by using the cantilever bridge that was pushed using two cages. When the cages were moved, they crashed into the cantilever bridge. Unable to escape in time, the victim was caught in between. He died on arrival at the hospital.
Contributing Factors :
The victim and his colleagues made a decision without consulting their employer.
Results of Observation :
The employer failed to provide safe work procedures for handling the steriliser.
Classification of Accident :
Struck by object